Users should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your app

Multi-chain gas credits to make your app go gasless

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Why sponsor gas?

ERC 4337 and smart accounts can make your user experience completely gasless by sponsoring transactions

Our partners
Sign pointing to gasless apps

Network credits

Get your network
on the gas station

New network partner gas tank
Integrate to build gasless appsSafe and Pimlico
Explore ERC 4337 + Safe
How to integrate Safe{Core} Stack
Safe refrigerator

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Users should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your appUsers should not pay gas for using your app