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Open-source Chain Abstraction Research

Discover new experiments in solving UX challenges with the power of modular smart accounts.

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Safe is collaborating with top web3 teams like Coinbase, Scroll and more to build the future of smart accounts

L1 Keystore

Leveraging L1sload to build a unified multichain Keystore.

In collaboration with


Base MKSR (KeySpace)

Integrating KeySpace to Safe SmartAccount to provide a shared state to manage keys handled by MKSR (Minimum KeyStore Rollup).

In collaboration with


More projects coming soon...

Ready to build the future of cross chain?


The listed POCs are experimental solutions aimed at addressing major UX challenges. They are not audited and are not designed for large-scale use but can serve as a starting point for further development.

We required teams to fill the form. Safe will follow up depending on the company's priorities and bandwidth.